What We Believe
We, at the Honolulu Church of Light affirm these beliefs:
There exists only one truth: your truth.
Truth is what you know to be true in your heart. When you read the words on this page, for instance, only you can say what is true and what is not because the only thing that matters is what is true for you.
There is Creator Force, the All That Is.
Nothing exists outside All That Is because it is All That Is. The Creator is the source of all Creation and It has but one purpose: to create.
We are each -light- particles of the Creator.
Each evolutionary being is made up of light particles manifest as a human expression of the Creator Source. As a human incarnation, we each have a larger spirit self, also known as the higher self, and within the core of our light is a spark of the Creator. You are that “light” expression of the Creator manifest on Earth, and you are here to be the creator of your reality, your world.
We exist in a trinity of the Creator, the Christ Consciousness and the Goddess Light.
In the simplest terms: the Creator is the One Source of All; the Christ Consciousness (or Christ Light) is the thought of the Creator; and the Goddess Light is the Love of the Creator. We exist within this trinity; this trinity is within us.
Heal yourself, heal the world.
Your whole life journey is about love. Create a path where each step of your life is filled with the wholeness of love. In loving every part of who you are, you see deeper into the truth of love. When you heal yourself, you heal your world, and in the heart of your whole healing journey, you will feel love.
We are in the midst of a Great Shift in Consciousness.
Many contemporary visionaries and ancient texts have predicted a great transformation of the Earth plane and her inhabitants at this time, and it is our belief that this Great Shift in human consciousness is underway. This is a time of immense evolutionary growth as spirituality blossoms worldwide, a time of self-empowerment, and an opportunity to return to wholeness and the fulfillment of our highest potentials.
This Great Shift is creating an evolutionary new reality.
In this new world of change, We the People are taking responsibility for our individual growth as we move in an evolutionary synchronicity that is unifying the human race and all light beings experiencing this world. In the fullness of the Great Shift, it will be clear that the time to come together in a collective consciousness is near at hand, and the term brothers and sisters shall take on an enlightened understanding.