Signature Cell Healing®

Honolulu Church of Light: The Home of Signature Cell Healing®

Signature Cell Healing® is a gentle touch healing experience focusing energy on the “signature cell,” which lies within the pineal gland. This all-important cell holds the memory of our cellular perfection and original life blueprint. The reawakening of this signature cell allows for a return to optimum health and balance on all four bodies—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 

Please join the new

Signature Cell Healing Online Workshop

22, 23 & 29 March 2025

Presented by Lead Facilitator Karinna Nielsen

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Kahu Fred Sterling, Honolulu Church of Light’s senior pastor, internationally renowned author and master healer, pioneered Signature Cell Healing® in the early 1990’s through inner guidance and the awakening of spiritual wisdom. Based on ancient Lemurian philosophy and practice, this integrative method of healing continues to evolve exponentially as trained practitioners around the world apply Signature Cell Healing techniques daily, with profound results. 

Signature Cell Healing is a powerful healing method because it works directly with the healee’s own life force energy, or Creator essence, within the body. This focused process stimulates the cellular consciousness to remember its perfection in love and to awaken on all levels, going beyond the veils and the five senses to promote healing and awakening in the physical and in the etheric bodies, where no fear exists.

Awakening the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality


In the opening prayer that begins each Signature Cell Healing session, we state our intention to awaken the chromosomes of youth and vitality in the 70 trillion cells and the millions of DNA strands in the physical body. We hold truth that we can heal and control our genes and DNA through loving thoughts and making conscious choices in our healing journey.

For more information about this evolutionary healing modality, to sign up for workshops, or to explore online and downloadable healing resources, please visit the Signature Cell Healing website or send an email .

You may also send an email to schedule private in-person or long-distance healing sessions with a certified Signature Cell Healing practitioner.

We also welcome your requests for long-distance healing from our worldwide church community during our Sunday Healing Services on the first and third Sundays of each month by using the link below.