Sunday Service Healing Messages
For each Sunday Healing Service, a heartfelt healing message is created for you to be inspired to heal yourself and age your soul.
The Illusion of Separation
A Message for World Peace: “In the third dimension, the cycle of life that we live in is a cycle based on a balancing duality. We live in a world of balance or duality and we measure everything in a journey that moves from fear to love. But when love is fully introduced into the journey, we know it because we speak in the highest truth in communication with the Creator. There can be no misunderstanding.”
~Kahu Fred Sterling
Conquering Self-Imposed Fears
A Message for World Peace: “Each day, call upon the Creator in prayer and then vow to do more than you did the day before. If we prayed for a better world each day and did just one thing to make our world brighter, we would generate a collective consciousness that can create change. We would have the world we desire” ~Kahu Fred Sterling
In the Beauty, the Magic Continues – In Memory of Kahu Fred Sterling
Kahu Fred touched the lives of many of you throughout the world over the years, and his legacy of healing lives on in all of us. As we continue to live his legacy of love, the healing will expand through future generations.
“Exit Points” in Your DNA
We all want to live healthy, active lives, don’t we? We all want to live longer, too. At the same time, life is a cycle with a beginning, a middle and an ending. Our bodies are not programmed to live forever.
Healing the Rift Between Souls
Last week, Patti and I got word that our son, Rick Sterling released his energy from the Earth plane. Details about his death are unknown to us.
Together We Can Ease This Transformation of Consciousness
There is a time when we must put our learned fears behind us and question the status quo. As well, there is a time when we must consider that, as humans, we do not have all the answers.
Healing After the Loss of a Loved One
I would like to share a healing request I received from a friend missing her son who had recently died. It is my knowing that we as “one collective consciousness” fill the void that she is feeling in her heart..
Having the Courage to Change
Until now, there has been an inexhaustible span of illusionary time available for repeating life lessons over and over again. The number of third-dimensional lives that were possible has seemed endless. However, time is no longer on your side.
Take a New Step in Faith to Complete Old Lesson Plans
Until now, there has been an inexhaustible span of illusionary time available for repeating life lessons over and over again. The number of third-dimensional lives that were possible has seemed endless. However, time is no longer on your side.
You Are the Conduit of the Life Force of the All That Is.
Healers must trust that when they are working with others on healing, they are doing part of their own journey. This leads to the best possible outcome for both involved. By choosing to live within the space of truth and trusting in a power not fully understood on this plane, the healing shifts into full completion.
Kahu Fred’s Long Distance Healing Experience
Every cell in your body has an emotional body inside of it. This emotional body inside the cells can be awakened and rejuvenated in love through your daily 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation.
Breaking the Cycle - Stand in your Love
Hear the call to take a stance to expand your knowing. Your highest outcome is guided by the love given to your healing journey because of your love for self.
Healing Past Spirals of Repetitive Behavior
How does one avoid or go past spirals of repetitive behavior?
Healing Emotional Scars of Distress
Whenever I travel and meet with people, questions arise about higher selves, soul mates and soul families. Many have wondered about the consequences of irreconcilable family conflict or emotional scars of distressing relationships.
Celebrating Being Human
When you first know that you are selected for a lifetime on Earth, you are so filled with joy because you are aware that it is a great honor to be human.
Your Thought Energy in Healing
The cells are what make us appear to be physical. However, what appears to be physical is held together in thought energy, for thought solidifies the mental, spiritual and emotional aspects into a physical awareness.
His Message was Love and Healing
“It becomes evident as the truths begin to unfold that in one human lifetime, Jesus lived two very defined lesson plans. The first of Jesus’ lesson plans, which took place in his youth, was to fully experience the human journey.