The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating
The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating consists of powerful tools that will awaken you to create the life you truly desire.
Each Principle is a master key to unlocking higher levels of conscious awareness so you can tap into your own powers of creation. When studied and practiced, you will discover that you are limitless, and your potential to create whatever life your heart truly desires is boundless! By using these Ten Principles, your experiences will bring to you more joyful relationships, love, peace, and prosperity beyond what you ever dreamed of.
The book, Kirael: The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating by Kahu Fred Sterling offers edited and detailed transcripts of audio recordings covering each of the Ten Principles from question-and-answer sessions with the seventh-dimensional being, Master Guide Kirael, whose love and guidance were brought forth through the loving mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling.
The audio recordings and their original transcripts were produced by a dedicated team of lightworkers at the Honolulu Church of Light. You may listen to the audio recordings as you read along with the textbook.
Call upon the energy of Master Kirael to be your guide as you embark on the evolutionary journey of the Ten Principles. The words you read in this book contain multiple levels of awareness and wisdom of Master Kirael. You will find yourself accessing the information on deeper levels of cognizance, and as you read the words or listen to the audio recordings, you will feel the loving vibration of Master Kirael’s voice.
A summary of The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating:
The Three Keys:
1. Truth
The essence of Love. Truth is the foundation of the other nine Principles.
2. Trust
An inner knowing which comes from the Truth, connected to all levels of reality.
3. Passion
The core energy force that allows your life journey to continually evolve.
The Three Commitments:
4. Clarity
Recognizing that your physical self is part of a greater, non-physical power.
5. Communication
The exchange of information (verbal and non-verbal) between physical and non-physical beings.
6. Completion
Knowing of the process or journey which exists on multiple levels of understanding.
The Four Pillars:
7. Prayer
A communication seeking to define your innermost thoughts, feelings and desires
8. Meditation
Quieting your mind to receive information, guidance, and answers to your prayers.
9. Sleepstate Programming
The practice of enlisting your higher self to contact a higher self of another during sleep state.
10. Masterminding
The act of creating a collective consciousness with other like-minded persons focused on manifesting a particular experience or outcome.
Lemurian Numerology
At the end of the Ten Principles textbook, you will find an explanation of Lemurian Numerology as brought forth by Master Guide Kirael.
The planet Earth is a construct of a matrix based almost entirely on numbers. Using this numerology every day will help you find how a simple understanding of the energy of numbers can guide you in making new, conscious choices in your life. Your life will evolve in harmony with the Universe.
To learn more about the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, please visit us at the Honolulu Church of Light or visit the Signature Cell Healing online store. Additional resources include the textbook in paperback and eBook formats, and the original Ten Principles Series of audio recordings as well as downloadable MP3s of other Ten Principles sessions.