Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests
Prayer is simply a communication between your human self and the unseen forces of light, including your higher self, the Creator, the guides and the angels. It is an expression of what you desire for yourself and for others. Stating your prayers in clarity brings them into alignment with the Creator’s Light and empowers their manifestation within this earthly experience.
The Honolulu Church of Light creates a collective consciousness with our church members from around the world to support people requesting assistance with their life journey through their prayer requests.
If you would like us to pray for you, please submit your online Prayer Request. If you are visiting us at the Honolulu Church of Light in person, you may fill out a Prayer Request form at the church.
Your prayer requests will be placed in the Honolulu Church of Light healing prayer bowl. Kahu Fred Sterling, the church members from around the world and the unseen forces of light will be praying for you at 11:30 pm Hawaii time every night.
We invite you to participate in our prayers and mastermind of healing by joining us in the Nightly Healing Prayer Bowl Meditations.