Our Church
We the People are consciously creating opportunities for all to heal through love into love.
Honolulu Church of Light is a spiritualist church focused on manifesting peace through love and healing. As spiritualists, we honor the evolutionary nature of human consciousness and embrace the Creator as the All That Is, the Omnipresence of Light. As a healing ministry, the church provides a safe space for all to celebrate life, to awaken spiritually, and to heal on all four levels of human experience: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
The Honolulu Church of Light is a “church without walls.” While the organization maintains a physical sanctuary and healing center in Honolulu, Hawaii (known to many as the healing capital of the world), it serves the needs of thousands of church members worldwide via the internet.
Master Guide Kirael lovingly refers to the church as
“The Beauty”
“You come here for a specialness…each of you has been birthed into the Beauty for a purpose.”
Read Master Guide Kirael’s Prayer for the Beauty
Ministers of Healing
Photo by Pattie Kuamoo
Photo by Karinna Nielsen.
What makes this church special?
We, the church members and supporters worldwide, nurture a strong presence of love within the Beauty. We believe the experience of fear is simply an opportunity to heal, to complete a life lesson so that it never has to be repeated again.
We understand how diverse the human journey can be. In that light, we focus primarily on our own lives, knowing that when we feel the love within, it emanates and helps in the healing of those around us.
We know that together we create a space where everyone has the opportunity to heal or be healed, for everyone needs healing at some point in their life. We the People are committed to creating safe sanctuaries for all who seek love and healing.