What is healing?

“The fullness of healing results from the wavelength of our thoughts. Once we understand that, everything can be healed.”

–Kahu Fred Sterling

We believe that healing means “to make whole,” and it involves the nurturing and balancing of all four aspects—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual— of the human experience. This understanding encompassed in the following concepts guides us in our mission at the Honolulu Church of Light.

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Heal Yourself, Heal the World

Loving and healing the Self is the key. Without loving ourselves first and foremost, how can we expect to love and accept those around us?  Creating peace in our hearts creates a ripple of peace around us and radiates out to touch our families, friends and the rest of the world in healing, one heart at a time.

Healing the Self, Aging the Soul

As we learn to love the Self—completely, unconditionally and on all four bodies—we discover that we are limitless beings of light having a human experience. Self-love is the true source of healing. It opens a pathway that guides us to manifest the life that our hearts truly desire and to age our souls.

The Journey from Fear to Love

Healing from fear to love is the evolutionary journey of the soul. For eons of time, our motivation and actions have come from fear. We have lived in cycles of experiencing fear, finding love, then fear of losing love, repeating this cycle one lifetime after another. When we choose to no longer experience fear, we live from our hearts; we make new choices. We heal our souls’ journey through love.

Our thoughts create our reality. Everything is a choice

Our entire universe, both seen and unseen, is the result of thought. Our thoughts magnetically attract energies and experiences. Each thought is a choice. Each word we speak is a choice. Each act is a choice. We choose how we react to every sensation and life experience.

Everything can be healed 

Because our reality is the result of our thoughts, our beliefs can be changed on all levels to create any result we desire—to relieve a physical ailment, heal relationships, create financial abundance, and so on. As limitless beings of the Creator’s Light, we have the power to heal anything and everything we desire as long as we are willing to do the journey in love.

Doing the “5 or 50” Journey – A journey of loving the self, aging the soul

The 5 or 50 journey is about taking the steps toward your healing goals. When you feel stuck, you can sit down and cry, but at some point, you’ll need to get back on the healing journey. Are you satisfied with where you are, or are you going to take another step? Perhaps you’ll need to take 50 steps. Do whatever it takes to do the full journey—then take another step in love, aging your soul.

Come and join us on the first and third Sundays of the month for our Sunday Healing Services – in person in Honolulu or live online. You may also request a Long-Distance Healing.